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coriolis stimulation中文是什么意思

用"coriolis stimulation"造句"coriolis stimulation"怎么读"coriolis stimulation" in a sentence


  • 科里奥利刺激


  • The results suggested that there lies certain regularity in the pattern of ci and the regularity depends on definite magnitude of coriolis stimulation ; the duration and the intensity of ci are positive related to the magnitude of coriolis stimulation ; the parameters of eng accompanying ci ca n ' t be used as the objective indication of ci
    不同轴向的线加速度对科里臭利错觉的彤响本实验在gl 2000高级空间定向模拟器上,分别对x轴向线加速度为0 27gx与0gx时、 y轴向线加速度为0 27gy与0gv时等量的科里奥利加速度刺激n
用"coriolis stimulation"造句  
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